Crazy For You
Intro: A-E-F#m-D (2x)
Swaying room as the music starts
F#m D
Strangers making the most of the dark
A E F#m D
Two by two their bodies become one
I see you through the smokey air
F#m D
Can't you feel the weight of my stare
A E F#m
You're so close but still a world away
And what I'm dying to say, is that
I'm crazy for you
Touch me once and you'll know it's true
I never wanted anyone like this
It's all brand new, you'll feel it in my kiss
I'm crazy for you, crazy for you
Trying hard to control my heart
I walk over to where you are
Eye to eye we need no words at all
Slowly now as we begin to move
With every breath I'm deeper into you
Soon we two are standing still in time
But if you read my mind, you'll see
When you know it's true, you know I'm crazy for you
And it's all brand new, you know I'n crazy for you
When you know it's true
I'm crazy, crazy for you...
I'm crazy for....
Storyline, Vision Quest (1985):
Vision Quest is a coming of age movie in which high school wrestler Louden Swain decides he wants to be something more than an average high school athlete and sets his sights on a prize that many don't think he can win - he then sets out to reach his goal alone, without much support from his father or coach. His father rents a room to a young drifter, Carla. Swain falls in love with her and she helps him stay focused and prevents him from losing sight of his Lynanne Fowle
Louden Swain has just turned eighteen, this being the year he's going to make his mark in life, or as his friend Kuch calls it, his vision quest. His chosen goal is to wrestle and beat Brian Shute, known as the best high school freestyle wrestler in Washington state. Shute is undefeated in his high school career. The issue is that Louden has to drop two weight classes to do so. This quest is much to the chagrin of Louden's coach and teammates as although Louden is an inexperienced wrestler, he is naturally gifted and focused and was primed to win the state championship in his own weight class. Louden's single-mindedness in this quest changes when he meets Carla. An experienced twenty-one year old drifter, Carla moves into the Swain house temporarily while she is in town. Louden is immediately attracted to her, the attraction more difficult for him knowing that she is living under the same roof. Louden's other obstacles in achieving his year's goal are actually reaching the necessary weight by bout time, and even if he does whether his body can endure the stresses from this extreme weight Huggo
This isn't a movie about wrestling, it's a movie about a young 18-year-old wrestler trying to find his place in the world.
Louden Swayne (Matthew Modine) decides last minute to switch weight classes in order to be able to take on the best wrestler in the state, but his half-American Indian friend tells Louden that he's on a vision quest, trying to find his purpose in life, to "find the answers", even if he doesn't know the questions. The vision quest theme is not flushed out that well, but it's certainly a better title than "Crazy For You", which makes this movie seem like nothing more than a sappy romance flick.
His path crosses with Carla, a struggling artist (Linda Fiorentino) who gets stranded in Spokane, WA due to her lemon car; she ends up staying with Lauden and his father. Fiorentino gets all the good lines in this script, with Modine stuck playing the naive, hormonal teenager his character is for most of the movie.
Their relationship begins as a fraternal one -- she even declares him a "stepbrother" at one point, to his eternal dismay; he's already fallen in love with her.
At his job filling room service orders at a hotel, Lauden becomes good friends with the short-order cook, Elmo (J.C. Quinn), and the two have unusual conversations which serve to fill in Lauden's character without being too boring or overtly expositional.
Surprisingly good acting from Fiorentino and Quinn (especially during his Pele speech near the end), some snappy dialogue and a quick cameo from Madonna all lead to a movie that is easy to watch, with characters easy to like and to care about. Just remember -- no matter what anyone else says, it's not a wrestling Heiwa, Los Angeles, USA
Besides the accurate HS wrestling theme, what I enjoyed most all the location shots in and around Spokane, WA. Especially the Spokane Falls scenes and the Ridpath Hotel interior shots and the club where Madonna sings. Who would have thought- Madonna's first movie appearance was in Spokane! I ran cross country and a lot of the wrestlers at my high school ran cross country to condition for wrestling. They all had a inflated sense of themselves and were a little nuts but we had a lot of fun! I still remember little 5', 98lb Jimmy Tsurita climbing up and down the gym ropes in pike position 10 times in a row just to show he could! Or him being determined to be the last one to quit running wind sprints up and down the 50m sand hill. Yet he couldn't place in the top 10 of the 2 1/2 mile cross country meets to save his life! But he would always go to district in his weight class for gd09335, Julaia, Kuwait
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