Geboren 1951 in der Türkei, trat als Zwölfjähriger bereits im professionellen Rahmen mit der „Sufi“-Flöte Ney und der türkischen Laute Baglama auf. Mit 20 einer der gefragtesten Musiker der Türkei, angeleitet von bedeutenden Musikern und spirituellen Lehrern (Sufis) seines Landes. Ab 1971 Konzerttourneen in Europa und den USA. Beherrscht Blas-, Zupf-, Tasten- und Schlaginstrumente. Lebt seit 1976 mit Frau und Kindern in New York. Gilt international als der Repräsentant nahöstlicher Weltmusik. Zahlreiche Aufnahmen und Konzerte mit Gitarrist/Keyboarder/Komponist Brian Keane. See all
Genre: Adventure, War -- 82 min
Release Date: 26 October 1999, USA
Film Location: SCesme, Turkey
Working with a beautiful lady spy, Indiana Jones is assigned to assist the British forces in their attack on the Turkish-occupied town of Beersheba. With a regiment of the Australian Lighthorsemen approaching, Indy must defuse the explosives the Turks have placed throughout the town. See all
I cannot agree with Jellyneckr....the Young Indiana Jones films are excellent, full of good stories, good music and good acting, l think Sean Patrick Flannery does a great job.
Jellyneckr says this kind of film will appeal to the very young nly...well thanks for the compliment l`m over 50, and l have about 16 of the Young Indiana Jones l will give them all a good mark because l think they have kept the period and action up to par with the main watch them if you can. See all
Simon Wincer (born 1943 in Sydney) is an Australian film director and film producer. He attended Cranbrook School, Bellevue Hill, Sydney from 1950 to 1961. On leaving school he worked as a stage hand at TV Station Channel 7. By the 1980s he directed over 200 hours of television. In 1986 he directed the made for TV movie The Last Frontier and also won a Christopher Award. His most successful film to date is the 1993 film Free Willy. See all
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