by Mocca
Take it easy my friend
Grab the chance will you can
It's time for us to move on
Let the world sing you a song
Take it easy my friend
Wipe the tears from your eyes
Theres a magic in the air tonight
High in the light of your sky See all
Genre: Drama -- 117 min
Release Date: 25 June 2009, South Korea
Release Date: 25 June 2009, South Korea
Director: Dong-il Shin
Hey! Want to hear a story about a Bangladeshi boy and Korean girl? Here it is. An unlikely friendship. What happens? I am not going to tell you. Watch the movie and find out.
What I am going to tell you is, don't watch this movie expecting all the usual outcomes that happens in a movie. Prepare your mindset to be carried by a beautiful blue ride of humane relationship and cultural encounter. Find out what life has to offer in a very unusual way.
Movies tell story. This movie is an independent film with low budget. But it is an amiable story about simple emotions of ordinary people.
Being a Bangladeshi, I might be a little bit biased towards the movie. But that is what I felt.
it was my first dong-il shin film.although it was an independent film under budget constraint,the director made the best out of it quite comfortably.the acting of the two lead characters have been up to the mark.the characters were well developed but in the end the story lead to an uncertain ending. See all
Hey! Want to hear a story about a Bangladeshi boy and Korean girl? Here it is. An unlikely friendship. What happens? I am not going to tell you. Watch the movie and find out.
What I am going to tell you is, don't watch this movie expecting all the usual outcomes that happens in a movie. Prepare your mindset to be carried by a beautiful blue ride of humane relationship and cultural encounter. Find out what life has to offer in a very unusual way.
Movies tell story. This movie is an independent film with low budget. But it is an amiable story about simple emotions of ordinary people.
Being a Bangladeshi, I might be a little bit biased towards the movie. But that is what I felt.
Nothing extraordinary,still makes a good impression on you
I am quite a regular viewer of Korean film and watched nearly 50 movies already( I am not a Korean though lol)...but this film meant something different to me.
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