Bob Marley :: Three Little Birds

 Three Little Birds

Intro: A

Dont worry about a thing,

D                        A
cause every little thing gonna be all right.

Singin: dont worry about a thing,

D                        A
cause every little thing gonna be all right!


Rise up this mornin,

Smiled with the risin sun,

Three little birds

Perched by my doorstep

Singin sweet songs

Of melodies pure and true,

D                                       A
Sayin, (this is my message to you-ou-ou:)


Singin: dont worry bout a thing,

D                        A
cause every little thing gonna be all right.

Singin: dont worry (dont worry) bout a thing,

D                        A
cause every little thing gonna be all right!


Rise up this mornin,

Smiled with the risin sun,

Three little birds

Perched by my doorstep

Singin sweet songs

Of melodies pure and true,

D                                       A
Sayin, (this is my message to you-ou-ou:)


Singin: dont worry about a thing, worry about a thing, oh!

D                  A
Every little thing gonna be all right. dont worry!

Singin: dont worry about a thing - I wont worry!

D                        A
cause every little thing gonna be all right.


Singin: dont worry about a thing,

D                        A
cause every little thing gonna be all right - I wont worry!

Singin: dont worry about a thing,

D                        A
cause every little thing gonna be all right.

Singin: dont worry about a thing, oh no!

D                        A
cause every little thing gonna be all right!


Storyline, I Am Legend (2007):

Dr. Krippen (Emma Thompson) is interviewed on TV about her great discovery: she has changed the measles virus genetically so that it attacks cancerous cells. She explains that all the cancer patients which her cure has been tested on have recovered so far. The scene jumps to three years later. We see New York City has become an empty and desolate place, devoid of human life. Grass covers roads and buildings, abandoned cars line the highways and the city is silent. It seems that apocalypse has arrived.

Robert Neville (Will Smith) is driving through the deserted city accompanied by Sam, his dog. A herd of deer leap across his path and he follows them gives chase at speed in the car. He tries to shoot them and we realise it's a hunt. The deer split up and run down a road blocked with abandoned cars. Neville gives chase on foot, trying to hunt one deer down. As he rounds a corner he gets the deer in his gun sights only to be beaten to the kill by a lion. lion, presumably escaped from NYC zoo. Robert is seemingly torn as to whether to shoot the lion and its family who also enter the scene. At this point his Robert's watch alarm starts beeping and he leaves, taking Sam with him. He leaves without firing the gun. We see Neville's home, it is the typical American detached house, but it looks as though it were in the middle of a war zone. They -Robert and Sam- have had a seemingly normal evening, eating processed food and watching tv. After a bath, Neville shuts, locks and protects every door and window with massive steel shutters. He sleeps close to Sam.

He dreams of how Zoe (Salli Richardson), his now-late wife and their now-late child Marley (Willow Smith) and Sam the dog as a puppy and try to leave New York. We see Robert dressed in a military uniform: he decides to stay in New York on his own in order to try to stop the virus as he is a military doctor. They tell Marley they are going on holiday. The dream scene is interrupted by Neville waking to once again face his lonely reality.

At his fortress-like home, Robert exercises and goes down to the basement, where he keeps a small but hi-tech laboratory. We see that he has been experimenting with a vaccine/cure for the virus that has apparently wiped out most of the human race. He's tried the plague virus in some mice in order to find a vaccine. All the mice look incredibly aggressive, except for one. Robert will have to inject the blood of that mouse into a human victim of the virus to see if they revert back to regain their normal human life. characteristics. Later, Robert goes to a video-rental store where he talks to the mannequins, his only form of contact with the human form. It seems has created a game for himself to prevent madness from taking him. He later visits some condo flats nearby, watching sadly the remains of the people who used to live there. We see the pain in his eyes as he empathises with the loss of loved ones. Later, we hear the radio message Neville has created and plays over all AM radio frequencies. It says that he's alive, and that he'll be waiting for more survivors at the docks of the bay at midday everyday.

Sam spots a deer again, so Robert and Sam go after it. The deer runs into an old building below ground level, and Sam goes after it, although Robert has tried to hold Sam back. Robert enters the building as Sam will not return of his own accord. Carefully, Robert searches the darkened rooms. He finds the corpse of the deer and Sam, hiding down in a hole. Robert has to shoot one of the virus infected who apears to be a mutated, rage filled monster. Both Sam and Robert start running away through the building. Some more of the infected appear and chase them. He fights them all and both are able to get out of the building. The leader of the infected (Dash Mihok) cannot run after them because there is daylight outside. We realise that they cannot be exposed to the sun as their skin burns. Soon afterwards, Robert sets a trap to catch one of the virus monsters. He succeeds and takes the female infected (Joanna Numata) home, to his lab. He tries the cure he's hopeful for, but it fails. He revives her and continues to adapt his serums in the hope of finding a cure.

That night, he dreams of the past, when his wife and child try tried to leave New York in the chaos of its evacuation. He relives the panic and terror on the streets as the citizens of the city try to escape before the virus-mutants take control. Neville wakes again, with a deeply sad face.

The next morning, he remembers it's his birthday. When he goes to the video store, he finds his mannequins have been moved. During the night the infected have set the same trap he organized for them the previous day.. Neville is caught by the trap and passes out. When he wakes up, he is badly hurt, hanging upside down and bleeding. Sam is faithfully waiting for him. He sets himself free finally just as dusk falls, but his leg gets badly cut with his knife. The infected appear with infected dogs, but Sam defends Robert, who succeeds in crawling back to the safety of his car dragging a badly injured Sam with him. When he gets home he puts Sam on the surgery table, but he realises that she has been bitten and will become one of the infected soon, so he is forced to kill her by breaking her neck. Tears stream down his cheeks as he says goodbye to his only friend. In a grief stricken rage he decides to fight all the infected face-to-face. He drives his car at speed into the hoards of infected who roam the streets at night. He crashes and the infected overpower the vehicle. Just as he is about to die a bright light shines on him and he blacks out. He wakes up in a his house where a boy is watching Shrek. While sleeping, he has dreamt about the past once more. This time he's dreamt of the helicopter his wife and child used to escape New York. As it takes off it crashes and his loved ones are both killed. The people who rescued him are Anna (Alice Braga) and her son Ethan (Charlie Tahan), who have heard Robert's radio message while passing through the city. Anna wants to go leave New York, York and go to a human haven somewhere. Robert, however, now insists that he wants to be left alone and that doesn't believe that such a place exists.

Later that evening, Robert realises that the infected are attacking the house. The previous night they had followed Anna back when she rescued Robert. Although Robert's home defenses are comprehensive, the infected are so great in number they breach the shutters and make their way into the house. Robert, Anna and Ethan retreat to the basement lab.

During the hectic fight, Robert has time to realise that the infected female he had captured earlier and tested the virus vaccine on, has come back to her human form. He takes a sample of her blood in a syringe and gives it to Anna, telling her to leave through a small trap-door with Ethan. Robert stays back to kill as many of the infected as he can, blowing them to pieces along with himself, including the vicious alpha-vampire who has made a personal quest out of hunting Robert down.

Anna and Ethan reach a strange place in the middle of the countryside: the road is cut by a castle-like wall and a steel door. There, some human survivors live in that enclosed community. Anna gives the syringe with the antidote to the human leader of that small community and her voiceover tells us of the legend that Robert Neville has KrystelClaire


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